First thing first, my dad is like genius. He got into developing software with the Microsoft Kinect awhile back and has done some amazing things with it. He also got a write up in Automation World for gesture based machine control (page 14 on the digital copy of the magazine).
He has been one of my biggest followers and supporters into my adventures of making my own indie game and came to me recently with an idea to take the gesture based machine control and apply it to a 3d world. Essentially by creating a game in Unity and applying Kinect based motion controls, he will be able to navigate the 3d world and interact with an object within the game. The coolest part about this is that there will be an object outside of the game, in the real world, that will be affected by what happens within the game itself. Essentially this allows someone to navigate a 3d environment and interact with something and outside of the game, completely independent, and action will occur.
Of course me and him have separate views on how this could be applied to both of our interests. We also both agree that our differing views are pretty awesome. He sees it as a way to control different types of machines within a 3d environment, making an easier to use interface within machine control. I see it as a new way that different game platforms and accessories can be used within a game.
There may be numerous updates on my lingo and jargon once my dad reads this but overall I think I gave a pretty good jist of what we're doing.
How to you send signals from unity to outside hardware?